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Written by: Amanda Nascimento, DVM, MSc, Ph.D
Published on: 03/08/2023
As the owner of a furry four-legged friend who doubles as my trusty companion and bedmate, for the past few nights, I've been awoken in the wee hours by the sound of my dog licking incessantly. At first, I thought she was just being extra needy and seeking attention, but then I realized that spring allergy season is just around the corner.
If you're a fellow pet parent, you're probably no stranger to the havoc that spring allergies can wreak on both you and your furry friend.
Everything from…
🐶 Constantly itching, scratching or sneezing
🐶 Licking or chewing the paws
🐶 Rubbing their face and/or ears with paws or rubbing on the carpet, furniture, or even you
Allergy season can be a real pain point for both humans and their dogs.
Spring allergies in dogs are typically triggered by outdoor allergens such as:
Pollen from trees, grass, and weeds
Mold spores that can be found in damp areas, such as piles of leaves or undergrowth
Dust mites that can be found in carpets, bedding, and upholstered furniture
Insect bites from fleas, ticks, or mosquitoes
Allergies in dogs can cause a variety of issues because when a dog is exposed to an allergen that triggers its immune system, its body releases histamines and other chemicals that cause inflammation and other allergic reactions.
This inflammatory response can lead to a wide range of symptoms.
Allergies can also (disrupt the immune system or affect the immune response), making dogs more susceptible to other health issues. If left untreated, allergies can cause significant discomfort and reduce your dog's overall quality of life.
Now that we know what causes spring allergies and why; knowing what signs to look for can be helpful. By recognizing the signs early on, you can take proactive steps to address the symptoms and prevent further discomfort.
➡️ Skin: redness, hot spots, flaking (dandruff), excess oil
➡️ Coat: hair loss or shedding, lack of shine
➡️ Ears: redness, strong odor, excess wax
➡️ Face: red muzzle, and/or chin, and/or the areas around the eyes
➡️ Paws: inflammation, redness, odor, staining
I’m pretty sure if you’ve read this far you love your furry friend as much as I do! And are probably wondering what are some things you can do to make your pet more comfortable this allergy season.
Here are some of our recommendations
Keep your pet indoors during peak allergy seasons to minimize their exposure to pollen. When outside keep them away from grassy areas and spots with a lot of flowers as these areas can increase the intensity of allergic reactions. It can also be helpful, after walking with your pet, to clean their paws with recommended pet-specific products. Do not use 70% alcohol on your pets. It can irritate their skin.
Bathe your pet regularly with a gentle pet-specific shampoo to remove pollen and other irritants from their skin and coat. Note, that it is very important to dry your pet well after bathing. This will help prevent bacterial growth. Don’t give them too many baths, as this can remove the skin’s natural protection and can cause other serious problems. A good rule of thumb is to give your pet a bath once a month.
To help with dandruff and shedding brush their fur more often. This will remove dead hair layers that build up over time and will also prevent knots. If the fur is very tangled, it is crucial to seek professional help. Brushing knotted fur can hurt. For brushing, use specific brushes and products indicated for pets.
Clean your home regularly, including vacuuming carpets and washing bedding to reduce allergens in the environment. Be careful with what types of house cleaning products you use as it’s very common for pets to have allergies to them that mimic seasonal allergies. When using alcohol, disinfectant, and bleach, remove your pet from the area and only let them return when the products are completely dry or evaporated.
During this time of year, fleas and ticks are more common, and they deserve special attention as they are one of the most common causes of allergies in pets, especially dogs, during spring and summer. They can trigger or aggravate allergies and transmit diseases to our pets. It's essential to prevent them all year round, not just in the spring and summer. There are a variety of products available for this purpose. Your vet can advise you on the best method and product according to your pet's specific needs to keep them safe and healthy.
Most pets are missing vital Omega-3’s in their diet that is required for proper health and well-being. When there is a deficiency, many pets can display with skin and coat problems, allergy-like symptoms, and constant ear infections.
Many times when you clear up the deficiency you clear up the problematic symptoms. Smart Earth Camelina Oil is a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. And Unlike other Omega-3 oils, it is not fragile. It has naturally occurring vitamin E which stabilizes the oil. It is a 100% pure single-ingredient oil. No additives and GMO-free! When taken regularly, it helps reduces allergy symptoms and balancing the immune function making your pet healthier and happier.
✅ Single ingredient, 100% pure Camelina Oil.
✅ Non-GMO
✅ Ideal balance of Omega-3 compared to other products, like soybean oil.
✅ Canadian produced and operated.
✅ Single ingredient, 100% pure Camelina Oil.
✅ Non-GMO
✅ Ideal balance of Omega-3 compared to other products, like soybean oil.
✅ Canadian produced and operated.
Remember, each pet is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. If you notice your pet is experiencing allergy symptoms, don't hesitate to reach out to your vet for advice and guidance. Together, you can develop a comprehensive treatment plan to manage your dog's allergy symptoms and improve its overall health and well-being.
Amanda has worked as a clinical veterinarian during 6 years in Brazil before moving to Canada. She has provided follow-up care and support for patients, prepared treatment plans and prescribed medication, studied, diagnosed and treated animal diseases and injuries, advised owners about feeding, caring, breeding, and immunizing their pets, prepared and maintained reports and records on rabies, immunization, and disease, maintained records and support for administrative staff. During this period, she had the opportunity to work along with veterinarian pathologists that showed her some pathology techniques (anatomic or clinical) related to diagnose different diseases especially in dogs and cats that where very useful to decide the best treatment to the pet.