Sherie's Story

by Smart Earth Camelina on October 26, 2020

Sherie's Story: How she got her Rock Star back thanks to Camelina Oil

Published on: 10/21/2022

Sherie's story has really touched all of us here at Smart Earth and we just had to share it with our Farmily! Sherie's horse Stasia, had been dealing with a significant health crisis. Having been diagnosed with Cushings, she was also dealing with hypersensitive skin reactions, swelling, hives, changes in mood and excessive sweating. She had been feeding her horse Flax Seed Oil for years to no avail.

All Sherie wanted was to have her rock star she turned to Smart Earth Camelina Oil. Here's her story...

Sherie's Story

"My horse Stasia has my heart. I bred her so I have owned her all her life. She was always amazing as a show horse she won like crazy she also is film trained and has been in several films and commercials she is a rock star!! But that changed with a health crises I can’t explain. It started with an extreme swelling in her udder area that just showed up one morning. It was so painful she couldn’t walk! She was standing there shaking!! The vet put her on steroids antibiotics and Butte, it brought the swelling down but a week later she coliced repeatedly for no apparent reason. Since then she has been plagued with hypersensitive skin reactions. rubbing her skin off and getting hives from fly spray she never had a problem with before! The massive swelling under her udder never fully went away and that no vet could explain it.

A sample showed lymphatic fluid but no explanation of why it was there. She also developed ulcers even though she does not live a stressful life (I haven’t shown her in years now and she’s only locked up in really bad weather other wise she’s on a very large pasture) and she was on supplements for that. But I still had to give her ulcer guard if she was going for a trailer ride cause she would stress so badly! She would always walk in because she’s a good girl but then she would start stress sweating! She also often would go off her feed. I literally had to hand feed her her alfalfa pellets and supplements fairly often just to get her to eat and sometimes even that didn’t work.

She was also diagnosed with cushings two years ago and was permanently in what they call the “Precend” fog or daze basically the meds controlling the cushings made her depressed but also spooky. She also had a horrible time with excessive sweating to the point that if I was going on a trail ride I had to give her electrolytes before and after she would literally come home drenched from an hour long trail ride that was mostly walking!! She would sweat right through the bareback pad so my legs would get wet!!! She also was having tremors in her stifle area after rides. Then she began having a hard time holding her jog on the lunge line and stumbling too often. I had a neurological exam done on her but it didn’t show any major problems! This horse is my baby and she seemed to be slipping away.

When I decided to give Camelina she had been on flax seed oil already for years so I wasn’t expecting such a huge change but wow!

The first thing I noticed was her personality started coming back. She’d Winnie at me when I’d come into the barn, and run up from the field when called like she used to. She also began to really want her food again! She was actually excited for it. Then I took her on a trail ride and she was so much more relaxed and she only had a normal amount of sweat! And no shaking in her stifle!!

That blew my mind she had only been on it a few weeks!

It’s been over a month now and she is far less itchy she’s not stumbling and beginning to hold her jog like she always used to. She is far less stiff and when I ask her to “bow” or “say her prayers” she just goes easily down quickly like she used to! The swelling under her udder is way down too!

Stasia is 18 I also have he 25 year old mother on it and she is moving so much better and coughing way less (she has COPD). She had an old tendon issue that had that cannon always thicker and now it feels normal and her weight is looking better too! Her top line is smoothing out and her ribs are going away. And Stasia’s weight is also better! Her fat pockets on her butt are gone and the “pot belly” Cushing’s look is gone!

Words cannot express how grateful I am for this product and the help that it’s bringing to my horses, especially Stasia who no one seem to know what to do for!

This has been nothing short of a miracle for her! I have my horse back! All I can think is there is something in this oil her body was desperate for and I thank God I decided to try it!!

Now I’m telling all my friends get your horses on this stuff! I’m even giving it to my mini and he’s getting less reactive and sweeter in his personality! Thank you for this awesome product!

It was an answer to our prayers 💕 "

Sherie Suter & Stasia - Happy Members of the Smart Earth Farmily

Camelina Oil for Equine

✅ Single ingredient, 100% pure Camelina Oil.
✅ Non-GMO
✅ Ideal balance of Omega-3 compared to other products, like soybean oil.
✅ Canadian produced and operated.

Camelina Oil for Equine


✅ Single ingredient, 100% pure Camelina Oil.
✅ Non-GMO
✅ Ideal balance of Omega-3 compared to other products, like soybean oil.
✅ Canadian produced and operated.

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Sherie's Story: How she got her Rock Star back thanks to Camelina Oil

21 Oct - Adam Grushcow

Sherie's story has really touched all of us here at Smart Earth and we just had to share it with our Farmily! Sherie's horse Stasia, had been dealing with a significant health crisis. Having been diagnosed with Cushings, she was also dealing with hypersensitive skin reactions, swelling, hives, changes in mood and excessive sweating. She had been feeding her horse Flax Seed Oil for years to no avail.


All Sherie wanted was to have her rock star she turned to Smart Earth Camelina Oil. Here's her story...

"My horse Stasia has my heart. I bred her so I have owned her all her life. She was always amazing as a show horse she won like crazy she also is film trained and has been in several films and commercials she is a rock star!! But that changed with a health crises I can’t explain. It started with an extreme swelling in her udder area that just showed up one morning. It was so painful she couldn’t walk! She was standing there shaking!! The vet put her on steroids antibiotics and Butte, it brought the swelling down but a week later she coliced repeatedly for no apparent reason. Since then she has been plagued with hypersensitive skin reactions. rubbing her skin off and getting hives from fly spray she never had a problem with before! The massive swelling under her udder never fully went away and that no vet could explain it.


A sample showed lymphatic fluid but no explanation of why it was there. She also developed ulcers even though she does not live a stressful life (I haven’t shown her in years now and she’s only locked up in really bad weather other wise she’s on a very large pasture) and she was on supplements for that. But I still had to give her ulcer guard if she was going for a trailer ride cause she would stress so badly! She would always walk in because she’s a good girl but then she would start stress sweating! She also often would go off her feed. I literally had to hand feed her her alfalfa pellets and supplements fairly often just to get her to eat and sometimes even that didn’t work.


She was also diagnosed with cushings two years ago and was permanently in what they call the “Precend” fog or daze basically the meds controlling the cushings made her depressed but also spooky. She also had a horrible time with excessive sweating to the point that if I was going on a trail ride I had to give her electrolytes before and after she would literally come home drenched from an hour long trail ride that was mostly walking!! She would sweat right through the bareback pad so my legs would get wet!!! She also was having tremors in her stifle area after rides. Then she began having a hard time holding her jog on the lunge line and stumbling too often. I had a neurological exam done on her but it didn’t show any major problems!  This horse is my baby and she seemed to be slipping away.


When I decided to give Camelina she had been on flax seed oil already for years so I wasn’t expecting such a huge change but wow!


The first thing I noticed was her personality started coming back. She’d Winnie at me when I’d come into the barn, and run up from the field when called like she used to. She also began to really want her food again! She was actually excited for it. Then I took her on a trail ride and she was so much more relaxed and she only had a normal amount of sweat! And no shaking in her stifle!!


That blew my mind she had only been on it a few weeks!


It’s been over a month now and she is far less itchy she’s not stumbling and beginning to hold her jog like she always used to. She is far less stiff and when I ask her to “bow” or “say her prayers” she just goes easily down quickly like she used to! The swelling under her udder is way down too!


Stasia is 18 I also have he 25 year old mother on it and she is moving so much better and coughing way less (she has COPD). She had an old tendon issue that had that cannon always thicker and now it feels normal and her weight is looking better too! Her top line is smoothing out and her ribs are going away. And Stasia’s weight is also better! Her fat pockets on her butt are gone and the “pot belly” Cushing’s look is gone!


Words cannot express how grateful I am for this product and the help that it’s bringing to my horses, especially Stasia who no one seem to know what to do for!


This has been nothing short of a miracle for her! I have my horse back! All I can think is there is something in this oil her body was desperate for and I thank God I decided to try it!!


Now I’m telling all my friends get your horses on this stuff! I’m even giving it to my mini and he’s getting less reactive and sweeter in his personality! Thank you for this awesome product!


It was an answer to our prayers 💕 "

Sherie Suter & Stasia - Happy Members of the Smart Earth Farmily