Equine Grooming 101: Winter Season

Equine Grooming 101: Winter Season

What better way to connect with your horse than by establishing a solid grooming routine for the colder months? If you're like most horse owners, knowing how to manage a winter coat or even a clipped horse during this season can leave you a bit fluxed. Check out our tips for helping you prioritize what’s most important in a winter grooming routine.
by Jessica Konopinski on January 10, 2023
Things to Consider Before Blanketing Your Horse

Things to Consider Before Blanketing Your Horse

The popular discussion about whether or not a horse should be blanketed in the winter season can cause a lot of confusion for horse owners all over the world. If you're on the fence about whether or not your horse could benefit from being blanketed this winter, consider these factors before making your final decision.
by Jessica Konopinski on January 02, 2023
Fish Allergies in Dogs: Symptoms & What to Do!

Fish Allergies in Dogs: Symptoms & What to Do!

If you’re wondering why fellow dog parents are going crazy over fish, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s talk about how dogs benefit from eating fish, pinpointing whether your dog is allergic to fish or not, and what to do if your pup does indeed have fish allergies!
by Sarah Seward-Langdon on November 23, 2022
Is Cold Laminitis & Founder a real thing

Is Cold Laminitis & Founder a real thing

On a few occasions our wonderful customer service team has encountered both conversations and disagreements on our content about cold founder, what it is, and if it is actually a real thing. Winter laminitis and founder are most certainly a real thing and not an old wives tale...
by Jenna Tranter on November 22, 2022
5 Reasons to Add Supplements to Your Pet’s Diet

5 Reasons to Add Supplements to Your Pet’s Diet

Supplementation is a hot topic these days. If you’re new to dog ownership or are just starting to explore the dog supplement world, here are 5 reasons you should consider adding specific supplements to your dog’s diet. Always consult a vet or pet nutrition professional when making essential diet decisions!
by Sarah Seward-Langdon on November 04, 2022
5 Indoor Activities for Dogs: Games to Stimulate & Entertain

5 Indoor Activities for Dogs: Games to Stimulate & Entertain

As we say goodbye to the warm summer weather, we’re left wondering if our daily walks with our dogs will be quite as enjoyable. If you’re like most people who don’t like the cold or rain, we have some suggestions about how to keep your fluffy friend entertained with these indoor activities for your dog. Try one or all 5 suggestions, and we’re sure your pup will be happier with more stimulation.
by Sarah Seward-Langdon on October 25, 2022