Food Allergies in Dogs & 4 Common Ingredients to Watch Out For

Food Allergies in Dogs & 4 Common Ingredients to Watch Out For

Whether you’re preparing for heavy snow or rain-filled days, you’ll probably start dreading walks with your dog a bit more. Even if the weather in your area stays nice, the shorter, darker days in the winter are no fun. Check out our list of high-quality gear for you and your dog that will help you both get through those gloomy winter days!
by Sarah Seward-Langdon on February 20, 2023
Do I Need To Increase My Horses Hay Intake?

Do I Need To Increase My Horses Hay Intake?

Forage: the most important meal of the day. It’s no secret that horses thrive off of a forage based diet and quite honestly, they couldn’t survive without it. While there’s tons of questions circling around how much forage to feed, how often, what kind, and in what form, there’s also the question about how much to feed during each season.
by Jessica Konopinski on February 06, 2023
Winter Gear for Dogs: Best for Visibility, Warmth & Rain

Winter Gear for Dogs: Best for Visibility, Warmth & Rain

Whether you’re preparing for heavy snow or rain-filled days, you’ll probably start dreading walks with your dog a bit more. Even if the weather in your area stays nice, the shorter, darker days in the winter are no fun. Check out our list of high-quality gear for you and your dog that will help you both get through those gloomy winter days!
by Sarah Seward-Langdon on January 27, 2023
Winter's Here: Time to Introduce Your Horse to Omega 3's

Winter's Here: Time to Introduce Your Horse to Omega 3's

Taking inventory of your horse's diet is recommended for all seasons, but especially winter. Specifically, when it comes to making sure your horse is meeting their nutritional needs, Omega 3’s seem to be a common deficiency seen amongst most horses. There can be a lot of confusion around why horses need Omega 3’s, why they are especially important to implement in the winter season, along with what types are best for horses. We’re here to help break down, simplify, and choose the best option for you and your horse.
by Jessica Konopinski on January 24, 2023
Let’s Talk Mobility Issues in Large Dog Breeds & How to Help Your Pet

Let’s Talk Mobility Issues in Large Dog Breeds & How to Help Your Pet

Have you noticed your lovingly large dog slowing down recently? Aside from old age, there could be a number of reasons that your pet isn’t as mobile. Find out more in our in-depth guide about mobility issues in large dogs, including symptoms, diagnosis, and management or treatment suggestions.
by Sarah Seward-Langdon on January 19, 2023
4 Reasons Your Horse May Benefit From Winter Turnout

4 Reasons Your Horse May Benefit From Winter Turnout

It’s officially the winter season and we’re here to discuss how to make this winter the easiest one yet. More often than not, horse owners can be doing more harm than good by decreasing their animals' turnout time in effort to keep them safe and warm. Here are four main reasons you should consider keeping or increasing your horses winter turnout routine.
by Jessica Konopinski on January 17, 2023